"For the love of the saints, give a poor blind man alms!"

"Pray pity the poor blind; and Heaven preserve your
precious eyesight!"

"Born blind, gracious signer; bestow your charity on
one who never saw light!"

Thus prayed three blind beggars, as Gonella passed by
them to Mass. "Poor fellows!" said the jester, "there is
a florin, divide it amongst you." He gave nothing at all;
and as those who stood near smiled, he put his finger on his
lips, to enjoin silence.

"May Heaven reward you in Paradise!" said the blind
men, in chorus; and a moment after, " Let us share the
signor's charity." But as neither had any florin, and as no
one believed that he was not being robbed by his fellow?.
they fell to savage words, and from savage words to blows,
fiercely striking at each other with their crutches till heads
were broken and bleeding; and Gonella passed in to
prayers, with the complacent comment, " Blessed are the
peace-makers !"

From The history of court fools by John Doran